The Satanic Roots Of The Peace Symbol

The peace symbol is an extremely popular symbol in our world. It is often represented by people holding up their index and middle finger with their thumb rested over their other two fingers. The symbol is often depicted as an upside down letter “y” inside of a circle. The peace symbol, at face value, seems harmless and positive. When you investigate the history and true meaning of the symbol, you discover that the peace symbol is not something believers in Christ should represent themselves with.

What Is So Bad About The Peace Symbol?

I am sure you are asking why the peace symbol is demonic and satanic, so I will walk you through.


The peace symbol stems from a satanic ritual. The ritual starts with an inverted, upside-down cross, which is an antichrist satanic symbol. (Catholics believe that this cross is harmless, as Peter, who they believe was the first pope, was crucified on an inverted cross). The two arms of the inverted cross are then broken and slanted at a 45-degree angle. This symbol is known as crow’s foot or witch’s foot. The cross being broken summons an anti-christ demonic spirit, so a circle is then placed around the broken cross to contain the spirit summoned.

I’ve provided a visual guide of internet images to prevent anyone from doing the ritual.

In Conclusion

In this short article, I hope you learned the demonic roots of the peace symbol. It stems from an anti-christ satanic ritual that summons demonic spirits. When you hold up the peace symbol, you support the destruction of the cross and essentially the destruction of Christianity. The goal of Satanism, and Freemasonry, is to destroy Christianity and this ritual/symbol is the epitome of that goal. The symbol never meant peace, but that meaning was promoted to deceive the public into participating in this ritual. While you may see this as insignificant, consider this and pray about the demonic roots of the peace symbol.

Thank you for reading, and always remember to stay vigilant!

9 thoughts on “The Satanic Roots Of The Peace Symbol

      1. As a Catholic, I disagree. Since the inverted cross is often associated with Satanism, Satanic rites and Black Masses more often than a symbol of how Peter was crucified, Catholics should and would never ever be OK displaying, wearing or using the symbol. Whether Peter was actually crucified upsidedown is a tradition of the church but is not documented anywhere.

        1. Hello,

          I respect and agree with the call to move away from usage of the symbol.

          However, the church has publicly displayed it on numerous occasions.

          Most notably, Pope John Paul visited the site of the Sermon of the Mount, and the upside down cross was engraved into his chair.

          Once again, I agree that the symbol has satanic ties, and Christians should distance themselves from it. I’m just pointing out that popes use this symbol.

  1. From where are you sourcing this material? Like page 25 of s. Rituals 101? Ive heard this before but id like some reference material, thank you and God bless.

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