Don’t Be Distracted: Key End Times Reminders

Published August 5, 2024 at 12:20 PM

We are living in perilous times. Politics are more volatile than we’ve ever seen before, as the nation is becoming more and more polarized. Lawlessness abounds more and more, with good being called evil and evil being called good. Meanwhile, people are distracted by celebrity culture, sports, and/or the entertainment industry. Some see the chaos, but feel that everything will resolve itself. Others see that the world is burning, but put their trust in their favorite politician to save them. And we can’t forget the Christians who tune out everything and are waiting for the pre-tribulation rapture to take them out of here before things get bad.

All of these things are distractions that will lead you down the path of destruction. In these perilous times, we must stay vigilant and be ready for what is to come. There’s no pre-tribulation rapture to save us (I’ll discuss this in the next article), but we were promised that we would be saved if we endured to the end (Matthew 24:13). Below are key points you must understand to avoid being caught off guard when the calamity comes.

Point One: Satan Has An Agenda

The first thing you must understand is that Satan has an agenda for this world. The goal of this agenda is for Satan to be worshiped like The Most High (Isaiah 14:12-15). Satan wants the whole world to worship him as god. Moreover, God will allow Satan’s agenda to unfold, but only for a short season (Revelation 13:4-5). He will deceive the entire world into following him through these four elements:

  • The Rise of the Antichrist: The world is speeding off a cliff, and they will be looking for a savior. I believe that WW3 will happen soon, sparked by the conflict between Zionism and Islam, alongside the present tensions surrounding the US, China, North Korea, and Russia. This will likely be a nuclear war that kills a large portion of the population, alongside cyber attacks that cripple infrastructure (i.e. no power, no running water, no internet). The US dollar would collapse, food would be scarce, and the world would be desperate for solutions. The Antichrist would then be able to step in, create “order” out of chaos, and orchestrate “peace” (Daniel 8:25, 1 Thessalonians 5:3). As part of the “peace”, Israel would be allowed to build the third temple (Revelation 11:1-2). Moreover, power would be given over to the Antichrist to enact a worldwide reconstruction era, which leads to the second element:
  • The Rise of a One-World Government: After the chaos, the nations and kings of the world will hand their power to the Antichrist (Daniel 8:24-25, Revelation 17:12-13). He would then implement a one-world government, where everyone is a “global citizen”. Nationalism would be gone, and the world would be broken up into ten regions to be ruled by the ten kings who helped the Antichrist. The whole world would follow the Antichrist, and he would be allowed to have total control for 42 months (Revelation 13:5-8). I personally believe that the United Nations is the beast out of the sea (Revelation 13:1-3), the Antichrist being the horn that leads the beast, and that they will be used to implement a one-world government after the chaos.
  • The Rise of a One-World Religion and The False Prophet: Religion will be one of the main driving forces of WW3, so the Antichrist will no longer allow religion to divide the world again. Even before the chaos happens, clear steps are being made right now to establish a combination of the world religions. It is not a coincidence that inter-faith prayer is on the rise, claiming that we all worship the same god (don’t overlook the fact that I didn’t capitalize the g in god). The False Prophet will lead the charge in this combination of religions, and he will lead people into worshiping the Antichrist (Revelation 13:12). I believe that the False Prophet will hail the Antichrist as the prophesied Messianic figure in all religions (The Mahdi, Maitreya, Avatar, Son of David, etc.). He will also be able to perform miracles to make his case more compelling, namely calling down fire from heaven (Revelation 13:13). Lastly, I believe he will be a prominent Christian religious leader, which will cause deceived Christians to follow the Antichrist. He appears like a lamb (Jesus) but will speak like a dragon (Satan) (Revelation 13:11).
  • The Rise of a One-World Monetary System and The Mark of the Beast: The one-world monetary system would be completely digital (no more untraceable paper money) and connected to the Mark of the Beast. A lot of the world will take the mark, as food will be scarce and they won’t be able to eat without it; people will choose to worship the beast instead of starving. Others will be skeptical and will need convincing, which is where the False Prophet, and other religious leaders, step in. The False Prophet will be used to implement the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-17) and convince the world to take it. I sadly see a reality where megachurches work in conjunction with the government to implement the Mark of the Beast, just as they did with the COVID-19 vaccine. Christians will be deceived into taking it, especially those who are not rooted in The Word. And if it hasn’t been made obvious yet, I believe that the False Prophet is the pope. Whether it is Pope Francis, or the next pope after him, is still to be determined.

Point Two: The Old-World System Must Fall

Now that you understand the goals that Satan has for the world, it should be clear that the old world must fall for this new world to arise. The world needs to be in utter chaos for the Antichrist to usher in his false peace. Powerful nations must fall for the Antichrist to be able to implement his one-world government. The world economy must crash (worse than the Great Depression and Great Recession) for the Antichrist to be able to implement a one-world currency.

Thus, all the chaos you are seeing is being used to bring down the Old-World System.

To focus on the US, our debt is 35 trillion AND COUNTING. That is unsustainable and is ready to pop at any moment. We are also printing money at an alarming rate, which will bring down our economy. Moreover, we are more vulnerable than we’ve ever been. EMPs can shut down our archaic power grid for months, leaving millions in darkness. Recent “glitches” also showed just how easily our airplanes and communication systems could be shut down. I don’t even need to mention the fact the 2024 election environment is worse than 2020, and American in-fighting leaves us vulnerable to an attack from other nations.

The point here is that the US could collapse due to a variety of reasons. I also want to hammer in the fact that POLITICIANS CANNOT SAVE YOU!

People fell for the trap with Barack Obama, now they are falling for it again with Kamala Harris. These politicians cannot save you, nor can they stop what is happening. Not only can they not save you, but they are actively working to bring about Satan’s agenda. I won’t go deep into an explanation, but just know that these establishment politicians (Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, etc.) are leading people toward globalism and the Antichrist.

Donald Trump represents the Old-World System that MUST fall

Moreover, there are Christians who see Satan’s agenda coming, and then decide to put their trust in Donald Trump to save them. They see Trump standing for American sovereignty, supporting Christians, and being against globalism, so they think that he’s the answer. But just like the other politicians, Donald Trump CANNOT SAVE YOU! The Bible said that the Antichrist is coming to rule the entire world, so what makes you think Trump can stop it? Clinging to Trump to save you is like clinging to a sinking ship. Trump is the epitome of the Old-World System, which must come crashing down.

As Christians, we have to stop idolizing these politicians, and stop putting our trust in them to save us. Only Jesus can save us, so let’s put our trust in Him.

Point Three and Conclusion: You Must Endure To The End

While this article has mostly been doom and gloom, there is hope. The Bible calls on us to endure to the end, and we will be saved. Things may be bad now, but our reward is coming. So whether you are part of the Church of Philadelphia, and are protected during the calamity (Revelation 3:10-12), or are part of the congregation of believers who God allows to be persecuted (possibly even beheaded) by the Antichrist (Daniel 7:21, Revelation 13:7, Revelation 20:4), my plea to you is to endure to the end. Things are going to get bad, and the whole world will be tested. In these perilous times, we need to pray, stay in the Word, and be united as the body of Christ. We should not panic, nor should we operate out of fear. Let the Holy Spirit lead you and guide you on how to prepare mentally, spiritually, and physically for the coming days.

Lastly, enduring 42 months of The Great Tribulation will be worth it when you reign with Jesus for 1000 years, then inherit the New Earth for eternity. Losing your life for the testimony of Jesus is worth being part of the Rapture at the Second Coming of Jesus, when the dead in Christ will rise and we will always be with Him (Revelation 20:4-6, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). And to quote Paul, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

Thank you for reading, and always remember to stay vigilant!

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